E-commerce & Amazon
Hospitality, travel & tourism

Partnering up with a human, professional French translator is a smart move and a key step to set you apart from your competitors:


Trust through localisation

Only 39% of the French population reports being able to speak English to some degree. As a result, 60% of French shoppers claim they don't shop on foreign websites due to a lack of trust. In order to sell to the French, you need to speak their language and have a local presence.


Creativity and cultural sensibility

Your content is full of creativity and cultural references that reflect your brand’s identity. Machine translation sounds flat and awkward at best, gibberish and incorrect at worst. A creative translator will help you reach your target audience with catchy, localised content that stays true to your brand voice.


Localised SEO

SEO localisation should be part of your translation strategy: your potential customers need to be able to find you before they can buy from you. Each target country has its own search habits and cultural preferences, which only a professional SEO translator will be able to handle correctly and efficiently.


Content challenges

Marketing content often comes with extra challenges: character restrictions, clever slogans, style guides, HTML tags, specific Amazon guidelines... Machines are unable to use creativity to solve those issues – they need to be handled by an experienced professional.


The human touch

A friendly translator will get to know your brand, offer creative and cultural guidance and deliver localised content you'll be proud of. Developing a great working relationship with your translator is the best way to give your global expansion a fighting chance.


A worthwhile investment

From supply chain and legal requirements to compliance and financial implications, you’ve worked hard to get your brand ready for global growth. Professional translation is another vital piece of your success abroad - why risk machine translation ruining all your efforts?


Using technology the right way

CAT tools, online dictionaries, research, terminology management, QA software… Professional translators know how to use technology to make the translation process as efficient as possible. We just don’t trust machines blindly to do the job for us, and neither should you!


Ready to start your translation journey?

As a qualified English to French Chartered Translator, I've been helping e-commerce and tourism brands launch and grow on the French market since 2014. Keep reading to find out more about my services and see how I could help you too!

What I do

I help lifestyle and luxury brands grow on the French market, enhance their credibility and visibility, gain customers' trust and increase sales in France through the following English to French language services:

Translation - Localisation - Transcreation - SEO localisation - MTPE - Editing - Proofreading

Who I help

I help e-commerce and hospitality brands, marketing and translation agencies, and Amazon Vendors/Sellers working in the following sectors:

Lifestyle - Homeware - Gifts - Kids & babies - Toys - Fashion - Wellbeing - Food & drink - Travel & tourism

Amazon France

I help brands stand out from the competition and increase their sales by creating optimised, high-quality French Amazon content, including:

Titles - Bullet points - Product descriptions - A+ pages - Brand stores - Images & videos - Advertising campaigns - SEO/keyword research

E-commerce & marketing

I help brands develop their unique French voice and identity by creating impactful content that sets them apart, including:

Product listings - Website content - Landing pages - Brand stories - Blog posts - Metadata - Advertising campaigns - Customer reviews - Emails - Newsletters

A few past and current clients...

Get to know me imageGet to know me image
Hi, I'm Clem!

Born and bred in France, I moved to England in 2004 to work as a summer au pair after finishing my English degree. 20 years later, I'm still here! I worked as an MFL teacher for 10 years before becoming a freelance English to French translator in 2014.

French is my mother tongue and English is my habitual language of use. I spend my life constantly switching between both languages, but only translate professionally from English into French. I also hold dual nationality - French since birth and British since 2023.

With a 100% French upbringing and two decades living in England, I know both countries, languages and cultures like the back of my hand (or the bottom of my pocket, as we say in French). My hands-on experience is backed by the following credentials:

I live by the sea in Dorset with my British husband and our two daughters, who keep me very busy when I’m not working!

If you would like to know more about my experience, feel free to check out my FAQ section and portfolio, request my CV, check out my LinkedIn profile or simply get in touch for a chat!


Contact & pricing image
Your project is unique and will be individually quoted for based on the sector, complexity, wordcount, format and delivery timeframe of your content. 

I enjoy developing long-term collaborations with ongoing clients, but can also work on one-off projects.

To discuss your specific needs and receive a free no-obligation quote:

  • get in touch by email at clem@clementineterrelltranslation.com 
  • or send me a message on LinkedIn

I look forward to meeting you!

I specialise in marketing translation for Amazon, e-commerce and travel & tourism clients.

I translate from English to French (for France)

My services include translation, localisation, transcreation, copywriting, editing/proofreading & content optimisation (SEO). Offering these services allows me to tailor my approach to your content, ensuring the final result is the best it can be for your brand and customers.

I do not provide legal or medical translations - these fields require specialised translators with legal and medical knowledge on top of their language skills, which I do not claim to have.
I am a native French speaker and speak English fluently as my habitual language of use. I moved to the UK in 2004 at the age of 20 and consider myself fully bilingual and bicultural.

I spend my life constantly switching between both languages, but only translate professionally from English into French.
I work directly with brands and agencies (usually marketing or Amazon agencies) who sell their products on the French market, either through Amazon, as a Vendor or a Seller, or their own website.

Most of the brands and agencies I work with are based in the UK, but I have also worked with clients based in France and Switzerland. As long as you are able to provide your content in English and are looking for a fluent French translation, we can work together.
I worked as an in-house translator and online content & advertising specialist on the Amazon team of a retail distributor for 3.5 years, where I learnt the ins and outs of Amazon content and marketing.

I was responsible for the creation, translation, optimisation and performance of our consumer products on Amazon.fr and other EU marketplaces, which included translating and optimising product listings, A+ pages, brand stores and advertising campaigns.

I achieved the Amazon Advertising accreditation in November 2019 and the Amazon for Retail certification in November 2020 (and have renewed it every year since).

I have translated Amazon content for a large number of brands, including KitSound, Kitvision, Speck, Tech21, Magnitone, My Doodles and Teapigs.
I understand that it is tempting to use freely available tools like Google Translate or DeepL to save time and money when translating your content, but it is a false economy.

Whilst these tools have their uses, they are unable to translate marketing content aimed at customers. They cannot handle creative content, puns, jokes, or cultural references, and produce mediocre results which will harm your brand image and push customers away.

If you would like to read more on this topic, take a look at my LinkedIn article entitled "How to handle your online content translation as a growing e-commerce business".
Yes, I am a Qualified Translator and Chartered Linguist. My credentials include:

I follow the CIOL's and ITI's Codes of Conduct, and therefore only translate English into French, my native language.
Unfortunately I won’t be able to help, as I am an English to French translator and you will need an interpreter to help you.

Interpreters translate spoken language orally, whilst translators translate the written word. Interpreting is a very specific professional skill which require a lot of training and expertise.

I would recommend you take a look at the Institute of Translation and Interpreting's directory to find a suitable interpreter. 
Your project is unique and will therefore be individually quoted for based on the sector, complexity, wordcount, format and delivery timeframe of your content, with a free no-obligation quote.

Depending on your needs, I will either quote per word, per hour or project.

My services are available on a wide range of freelance options to suit your needs, from one-off translations to ongoing, long-term collaborations.
This will depend on the volume and type of content. I will review your content and include a timeframe for delivery with my quote.

On average, I translate between 250 and 300 words per hour for marketing content, but this may vary depending on the complexity of the content.
My Terms of Business are available through the link below.

You will receive a password with your quote in order to access the document, and will need to read and agree to the Terms before starting our collaboration.

Click here to review my Terms of Business

  • When you first get in touch, I will need to find out:

- Who your brand is and who your audience is
- What content you need translating (this could be provided in a word or Excel document, or with links to your existing UK listings or website)
- A wordcount
- Your ideal deadline
- Any style guide or particular needs

  • I will then provide a quote, including a price and proposed completion date.

  • I will need your written confirmation that you accept my quote, deadline, Terms of Business and payment terms before starting the work.

  • I will be in touch with you if I have any question or doubt about your content during the translation process.

  • Your translation will be sent to you in the agreed format by the agreed date.

  • You will receive my invoice at the end of the month in which the work was completed. My payment terms are 30 days from the invoice date, and I accept payment by bank transfer (preferred) or PayPal.
Get in touch at clem@clementineterrelltranslation.com and let’s talk about your English to French translation project!